Modern slavery

We are committed to treating all people with dignity and respect, and to ensuring the organisations we work with meet these ethical standards. We are fundamentally opposed to slavery and human trafficking and we are committed to ensuring that our organisation and those we work with are free of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our Organisation

Open access to accurate information about our climate.

Our Supply Chain

We use a wide range of suppliers who support our operations and provide services to us. We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers share in our high standards and that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain. Should any of our suppliers or sub-contractors fail to meet these standards, we will take action to review or end our relationship with them.

Looking Forward

We will continue to review our policies and processes to ensure that they have appropriate and relevant references to modern slavery, and include modern slavery conditions in our tender documents, new supplier forms and other procurement documentation.

We take seriously our responsibility in fulfilling these aims and will ensure we do everything we can to achieve them.

Richard Byrne


Modern slavery


Zero Ecosystem Limited registered in England & Wales
(Company no. 13349586)

Saturday Feb 3 2024